It’s one thing to say you’re going to run a webinar, but actually getting people to not only register for it in advance but also SHOW UP live can be a big challenge.

If you think about your own busy life and how finding time for anything extra can be difficult… it’s no wonder the challenge is real when it comes to getting your people into the webinar ‘room’. 

So, I’ve put together a few suggestions to help you out! Of course, there are many more ways to make sure the right people are showing up to your webinars (and I’m going to cover more in the Mega Masterclass I’m running in October;


This is critical to not only make sure people show up to your webinar, but it’s essential to have an outcome-based promise to entice the right people to register in the first place! 

When coming up with a title for your webinar you also need to think about the outcome YOU want. Do you want to sell a program or have people book in 1-1 with you? Your title and content need to be a match for what you’re selling.

Let’s look at an example in the health and wellness space;

If your goal of the webinar is to sell a program that helps your clients learn how to create natural remedies they can use at home, you could title your webinar…

❌ Learn about your digestion system and how to treat it naturally 

✅ 3 Natural remedies you can make at home to help improve your digestion and increase your energy levels


Now that you have attendees registered for your webinar, it’s about making sure they are there LIVE! 

Sure, there are going to be a larger percentage of people who either can’t make it and watch the replay or completely forget about it together (the last tip in this post will help with this too).

When you talk about extra bonus incentives for attendees who show up live in your pre-webinar marketing, you’re more likely to increase your show-up rates.

Let’s look at some examples;

? Run a competition to win a special prize for participants who are on the call live.

? Give live participants an extra workbook or value add an item.

? Give a small number of live participants the opportunity to be coached by you on the call on the specific outcome your webinar covers.

There are sooooo many more ways to incentivise your registrants to show up live and I’m going to be talking a lot more about this in the Mega Masterclass! 


This can be a part of the process that takes time to set up. But it’s well worth the effort.

There is no ‘ideal’ number of emails to send in the lead-up to your webinar… although typically, the more you send, the better your show-up rates. 

Here are a few emails you simply MUST send once a participant has registered for your webinar. 

All your follow-up emails should include the following information;

Your strong promise of the webinar (what they are going to get out of attending), 3 reasons why they need this experience NOW rather than in 6 months’ time, the date, time, and LINK for the webinar, testimonials from parts participants (or other clients if this is your first webinar).

? Immediately after sign up

? 24 hours before the webinar 

? 1 hour before the webinar 

? 30 mins before the webinar 

? 5 mins till LIVE 

This is the BARE MINIMUM you should be sending to your registrants to make sure they show-up. 

You might be thinking, hang on… won’t people get annoyed that I’m sending so many emails? 

Maybe, but I’d argue that the people that get annoyed are NOT the people you want attending your webinar. 

I know personally, that I’m way more likely to show up to a webinar when I’m reminded about it on the day and just before it starts… it also makes it super easy for registrants to know how to access the link and workbook or anything they need beforehand.

There are SO many more ways to make sure your people show up at your webinars and I’m going to be sharing more at the Mega Masterclass! 

Join me at Master the Art of Show Stopping Webinars ~ details here ~