I read some ridiculous statistic the other day that roughly 97% of people do not have written goals. Other studies show that it’s around 80% of people who do not set goals.

Being a goal setter from way back, these are quite a disturbing stat to come across!

I mean, how are these people who don’t set goals for themselves actually getting anything done? Hahaha… I’m sure they are getting things done, but I certainly can’t be in the most effective way.

So, it got me thinking, how can I show people who might never have set a goal before the BEST way to do it?

Firstly, and possibly the most important aspect of setting a goal is knowing WHAT you truly want to work towards.

This is key.

And it takes WORK!

That’s right, doing this properly actually takes time… hours, even days for some people. If you’ve never done this process before, the first time you do it, will generally be the longest. I also recommend watching this training FIRST as a great guide to understanding your purpose as well as following the steps below:

WATCH THIS FIRST – FREE TRAINING – 3 Keys to Living Life Confidently and On Purpose

  1. It all starts with a good old brain dump.

Yep, filters off… no limiting yourself here. Get down EVERYTHING you’ve ever dreamed of being, doing, having and experiencing. Do not hold back. This is the time for open up the floodgates and filling pages, and I mean PAGES of ideas of the possibilities you could work towards.

2. Now it’s time to go through your list and put a number next to each item. This number will indicate how long you believe it will take you to achieve. It might be 6 months, 20 years or anything in between. This will give you an idea of a timeline.

3. Once you’ve allowed yourself to dream and giving a ball park of a time frame for each thing you’ve put on your list, I want you circle the MOST IMPORTANT things there. This is about narrowing down your focus. Because if we have too many balls in the air, we are likely to drop more than if we only juggle the amount within our reach.

4. It’s time now to re-write your MOST IMPORTANT GOALS on a separate piece of paper. It’s a good idea to write them in time line order.

5. This is the fun part… I recommend creating a vision board – Here’s how it works. There is a part of your brain called the RAS or Reticular Activating System that acts as a filter for our brain. Can you imagine the overload our brain would experience if we couldn’t filter in certain things we believed to be important? It would be mayhem up there!

Hunt down images of your MOST IMPORTANT 1 year goals (or as close to as possible). Then stick them all together on a large piece of cardboard. Place your vision board somewhere you will be able to look at it each and every day. This will serve as a beautiful reminder of what you are working towards!

6. Now comes down to actually MAKING THINGS HAPPEN!

You’ll need a good diary for this. And you will need to use it EVERY DAY! Sure you can still have your holidays – but every day you are working towards your goals you will need your diary to help keep you on track. At the front of your diary write our your yearly goals. These goals may be ones from your list we created earlier… and they might also include a components of your 5, 10 or 20 year goals. Depending on how far you went in step one!

Each 90 days you will review your yearly goals and set targets for following quarter. Each month you will review your quarterly targets to make sure you are on track. Your weekly goals will be smaller action steps broken down from your monthly goals. Same with your daily goals – these will be broken down components of your weekly goals.

This will help you to set daily ACTIONABLE tasks that seem more achievable that your big yearly goals. Step by step you’ll be ticking off your daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and of course YEARLY goals in no time!!! Go you!

Sounds like a lot of work?

It is. As it should be. Those who achieve their wildest dreams don’t simply sit by and watch life pass them by. They take ACTION…. better still, they take the RIGHT action that will move them forwards.

Are you one of the few who will decide to take their life into their own hands?

If you are – I highly recommend you check out my most recent FREE TRAINING HERE